Improving Peppertree


  Possible Solutions For Rectifying CC&R Violations

Concern has been expressed regarding the failure of some property owners to meet the maintenance requirements, stipulated in the CC&R’s. The question has been raised as to why the Association Board has failed to take action to obtain compliance, thus reducing the value of our homes. While this is an appropriate question to ask, a few facts first need to be given.


  • Of the 115 properties, 44 (38%) are rentals with absentee owners.

  • A number of violations are from these rentals.

  • Written requests by the Board for compliance have been made on numerous occasions, without significant success.

  • To obtain legal compliance would incur significant increased costs beyond current budget. (NOTE: Fees have always been primarily for liability insurance and maintenance of the Berm and incidental administrative costs such as mailings etc). To take this step would more then double or triple the current dues.

  • Home owners often are unwilling to be involved with the Board and be part of the Committees to address these and other issues of the Peppertree Community. Thus, leaving the burden of these and other Association matters to a faithful few.

  • Most home owners do not inform themselves with the details of the CC&R’s. That said, home owners have the right to individually take action with these violators by appealing to them directly or seeking legal compliance (at their own expense), or seeking an increase in dues through the Board, to cover the cost of legal action.


  • Concerned home-owners, become involved by joining the “Oversight Committee” to address these issues directly, with the offending property owners. Speaking with them personally and giving them recommendations as to what and how they can bring their properties into compliance. Any homeowner can also make a direct complaint to the City of Eugene when the violation is also covered by the City of Eugene Nuisance or Zoning Code. A downloadable PDF copy is available on the Complaint Form page.

  • Obtaining a contractor willing to give a good deal if enough property owners sign up, to have their properties maintained. This certainly would be a viable option for absentee owners, where the owner can bill the tenant for the cost

  • Increase dues to cover the costs of a lawyer to enforce these CC&R requirements.

  •  Individual home-owners appealing on a one-on-one basis to each offending property owner. The more making the effort could have a positive effect.

  • Other possibilities not yet considered but open for discussion.


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